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Location: Belforte del Chienti (Macerata)
Establishment: 1936

The first professional machine for expresso coffee conceived, designed and built by engineer Orlando Simonelli in his workshop in Tolentino is the Simonelli 1936. This machine is stylistcallt in armony with the tastes of the period but was already technically innovative and ahead of its times. While other companies still used a lever system to deliver coffee, Simonelli was the first to use a pump which ensured continuous delivery; a revolution system for the times and still today in use with the best machine for expresso coffee. The philosophy to built technically innovative machines, place great emphasis on design and materials, which inspired Simonelli when building his first machine, remained the company mission over its long history. In 1969 the Company changed in Nuova Simonelli, marking trasformation of the old craftman into an industrial structure capable of taking up the new challenge of the times without losing touch with the past. Nuova Simonelli, one of the first companies to grasp the role that electronics could play in optimizing coffee machines, lanches new models with electronic components on the market. MASTER super automatic machines combining innovative, strightforward and flexible operation; Master was one of the first super automatic machines to be fitted with a build in fridge to store milk to ensure perfect delivery of creamy cappuccino simply by pressing a button. Nuova Simonelli is making ready to tackle the challenge of the New Millennium by investing in new technology and new services.

Nishi-Azabu 4 - Chome, 7-10 Minato-ku - 106-0031 Tokyo - Japan